Welcome to our program in Bali


WINS is short for: Weeskinderen Indonesië Naar School (Dutch), which literally means Orphans of Indonesia to School.

The mission of The WINS Project (WINS) is to provide for the education of poor children through sponsorships and supplemental classes conducted at a series of WINS Learning Centers.


The objective of WINS is to teach the children to become self-sufficient and responsible for their own future and ensuring that they receive their regular schooling. The WINS program offer additional lessons for the children after school.The WINS foundation helps orphans and underprivileged children in Indonesia by giving them the chance to go to regular school through the WINS child sponsoring program.

The WINS Education and Child Sponsorship Program is implemented at various locations in Bali.


Additionally we offer them extra lessons at our Learning Centers spread over Bali, which are provided by volunteers from all over the world. 

So that the children will believe in themselves and in their ability to make a difference in their lives and in the lives of people around them.


The WINS foundation is represented by WINS boards in the Netherlands, USA, France, Singapore, Australia and Indonesia. WINS has the Dutch ANBI label, which means we are recognized as a not-for-profit foundation. Our foundation exists through unpaid and passionate board members and volunteers.


Please visit the WINS Foundation website to discover more about

the WINS vision. 

volunteering, volunteer, Bali, introduction workshop, teaching children, vip-international, education


Throughout the year we need volunteers to provide additional lessons at our Learning Centers.

Our educational programs follow a curriculum, but are in an informal setting, with methods that are aimed at Playing and Learning. 

The additional lessons in the Learning Centers cover: 


•  English language and computer skills;

•  Dance, Arts and Culture to enhance their own identity, pride and


•  Sexual education, HIV / AIDS;

•  Personal care and personal hygiene;

•  Communicating clearly;

•  Future thinking and acting;

•  Environmental awareness: environment, waste

   management, hygiene;

•  Permaculture, according to the  IDEP Foundation;        

•  Working with nature to improve society and the environment.

•  Community Development;

   By involving the local community like parents, family, guest

   parents, neighbors, etc. in the development and growth of

   the children.

Our volunteer Program


WINS Netherlands has outsourced the registration and coordination for voluntary work at the WINS Learning Centers to VIP-International.


Volunteering has a meaningful, positive impact on the children and the community. It is a proactive way of doing something to make the world

a better place. 


We see volunteers as Very Important in the WINS Education Program for the children. Volunteers play an extremely important key role at WINS.

Without volunteers it is simply impossible for us to pursue our mission to give underprivileged children the chance of a brighter future.


We welcome volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. Everyone has knowledge, skills experiences to share.


You can help by doing all kinds of activities and sharing your personal talents and gifts.


If you have the passion, drive, enthusiasm and an open mind, and are eager

to help the children in Indonesia build their own future, we would be

delighted to have you on our team! 


For the latest update about travel regulations, please visit the page: 

Updated & info travel regulations coming to Bali